Team Coaching


General My coaching in a Team Coaching Trajectory aims to support a Team to give substance to the tasks and roles of individual team members with a view to an effectively functioning team that can achieve their goals. I am not your average TeamCoach who guides talk sessions. In my so-called TALS (Team Active Learning Sessions), two important working principles are central: participation and experiential learning. Participation means that everyone is actively involved in everything that happens. To me, being active means more than sitting and keeping your brain working. It's head, heart and hands, get involved in everything and who you are. Everyone can participate in their own way.

Experiential learning: people learn best from experience. Therefore, all team assignments are based on what is already there. Team members are encouraged to share experiences, make connections between what is there and develop new ideas. On the basis of concretely formulated coaching question or questions, the Team sets to work and follows appropriate routes. Teams become more effective when they spend time finding their best route. A guide can come in handy here. That guide is me as Team Coach.


Reflection on Teamwork and achieving effective Team Development


There is no one-way route for Team Development. There are directions, such as
- Team performance
- Team building
- Team roles
- Critical Incidents

Duration + Organization

Team Coaching Trajectory consists of agreed Sessions that can vary from 3 - 7 hours, depending on Coaching Question and Theme There is an agreement in principle about the number of times to be on-track. This can vary from 2 to about 6. In any case, we make characters a "pit stop" with the main reflection whether we progress, whether there is enough learning. In the meantime, the route can also be changed if necessary. The process will be adjusted together if necessary.


Determining whether the Team does the right things and whether they do the right things Ambition for further Team Development

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